Recent publications:
- Chis, I., C. (2023) ‘The Centrality of Disablement Subjectivation to the Reproduction of Capitalist Social Relations: Considerations for Critical and Global Political Economy‘, Global Political Economy Journal.
- Chis, I., C. (2024) ‘Contesting the “Service” Model of Care in Disabling Capitalism: A Disability Politics Perspective‘, International Journal of Care and Caring.
- Chis, I., C. (forthcoming, 2024) ‘Theorising Disablement through the Collective-Materialist Approach to Disabling Capitalism’, International Journal of Disability and Social Justice.
- Chis, I., C. (2023) ‘Repositioning work, rest, and resistance in the context of the Spring of Discontent’, National Survivor User Network’s website.
- Chis, I., C. (2023) ‘Initial Research Report’, The Politics of Disablement and Precarious Work website.
If you are interested in reading my previous work (on various other topics), please visit thinkingthroughtechnics.wordpress.com – a selection is presented below
- Birmingham Autonomous University (2017) ‘Towards an Autonomous University Group’, in Hall, R. and Winn, J. (eds.) Mass Intellectuality and Democratic Leadership in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury.
- Co-authored chapters with Cruickshank, J. in Cruickshank, J. and Sassower, R. (eds.) (2017) Democratic Problem-Solving: Dialogues in Social Epistemology. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Chis, I., C. (2016) ‘Masking the Systematic Violence Perpetuated by Liberalism through the Concept of “Totalitarianism”‘, Politikon: IAPSS Journal of Political Science, Vol. 30.
- Chis, I., C. (2015) ‘Big Data: A Technology of Anxiety’, Oxford Left Review, Issue 15.
- Chis, I., C. (2015) ‘What Should Sociologists Do about Big Data?’, Oxford Left Review (blog).
- Chis, I., C. (2015) ‘The implications of locating the origins of universal equality and liberty within the 18th Century Western revolutions’, Encuentro Latinoamericano: Revista de Ciencia Política & Relaciones Internacionales, 1(1): 53-72.
- Chis, I., C. (2015) ‘United By Strength or Oppression? A Critique of the Western Model of Feminism’, E-International Relations, 29th September.
- Chis, I., C. (2014) ‘The Emergence of Cybernetic Organisms and the Transformation of the Concept of “The Human”‘, The New Birmingham Review, Issue 1.