I am a researcher and teacher currently based at the University of Birmingham, in the Political Science & International Studies Department. My overall academic interests are postdisciplinary/indisciplinary and span across the social fields of critical social theory, sociology, political science, emancipatory research, critical pedagogy, critical political economy, and critical social policy. Currently, I am focusing on the post-’68 Marxist social theory and materialist political economy of various spheres of activity, and imagining collective strategies for moving against-and-beyond capitalist social relations of oppression and exploitation.

My doctoral research project addresses the politics of disablement and precarious work by examining (not least through interviews and diary entries) UK-based gig economy subjects of disablement’s everyday activities such as waged work, rest, social reproduction, navigating oppressive social interactions, dealing with the state and professionals, and being involved in collective organising. Through this project, I aim to make theoretical and empirical contributions to various academic spaces (including, but not limited to, the fields of Critical Political Economy, Marxist literatures, and Disability Studies), and to the collective thinking and organising of disabled people’s organisations, trade unions, and other collectives concerned with anti-capitalist social change.

Whilst my research interests have changed over time, their underlying commonality consists of interdisciplinary, socially useful, and emancipatory production of knowledge and practices (within-against-and-beyond the academy) that can inform the advancement of collective struggle and social change. Read my Bio, information about my current doctoral project, news (talks/other activities), and my area of teaching.
Latest journal article – published in Global Political Economy (2023) – ‘The Centrality of Disablement Subjectivation to the Reproduction of Capitalist Social Relations: Considerations for Critical and Global Political Economy’ [link]

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Ioana Cerasella Chis